Lower Manhattan and Chinatown

We headed south this morning to Chinatown in search of the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, as you do. There was a celebration under way of Chinese Americans with banners and a parade, while others preferred to sit in the park. It was a beautiful day weather-wise.

We then went to the cast iron district in hunt of those fire escape staircases that New York is so well known for. We thoroughly enjoyed the neighbourhood and found a great place for lunch called The Dig Inn - healthy food at reasonable prices with friendly staff - a treasure.

Later on we headed back uptown via Grand Central and a quiet night in. There are many extras outlining the day.

One thing that we had started to notice was how often food and drink were served on non-recyclable cups and plates, with plastic cutlery that all ended up in the trash. The exchange rate made things expensive for us and we didn’t eat in pricey restaurants very often, but it was noticeable how little was recycled. We had a chat with a young man over breakfast, a born and raised New Yorker, and commented how Greta Thunberg had been at the UN only two weeks before. Tim mentioned that he had been in California three years ago and it wasn’t as bad. The young man replied, “yeah, California got the memo. We haven’t got the memo yet.” 

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