
This is my friend Bethany. When I started here at UTA, she was the Assistant Director of First Year Writing. Then Charlie took over for her when she accepted an advising position. Bethany is also working on her PhD but is way ahead of me, like years ahead. She should be done pretty soon, I think. Her dissertation adviser is Tim. But me and Bethany had lunch with Rachael today, though it was just the three of us because Tiger is sick with the flu. But by lunch, I just mean we sat in their office and caught up as we all just returned from a five week break. So, back into the groove, back with the usual cast of characters. Let's see, who else is around? Robert, Dave, John, Sean, Ben, Roy, Julie, Mihir, Todd, and Elizabeth. The Boss is down in Austin for the week and I have class with The Chair this evening. Looking to Blip many of my new colleagues this coming semester. Are there any left? God that excessive linking was fun because it meant I wasn't doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

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