KG and the Elves

A good  day although I did wake up with one of my headaches so asked KG to drive me down to meet my friend Chris.  He agreed and we had a lovely chat and then he picked me up later.  A bit later we went to lunch with E&B at the Italian and I had invited them back for mince pies and prosecco.  I had left the mince pies ready to be warmed for  when I got back.  The elves were safely on the radiator when I went out Well what I sight greeted me on my return!!  Elf and Safety  had migrated to the kitchen and were beginning to tuck into the mince pies.  KG had gone ahead of me when we got home and I did a double take when I noticed that he had shrunk to elf size,  Hi KG said Elf comen and join us.  Yes do said Safety - but KG declined and said no he needed to get back to tend to his guests.  Elf said they won't mind - SAfety agreed but KG decided that discretion was the better part of valour and returned to full size. I quickly scooped the protesting Elves up and replaced them on the radiator  My goodness what will they get up to next.  I questioned KG how he managed to shrink to Elf size but he merely shrugged his shoulders and said that's for me to know and you to find out!!!
I suspect the magic of photoshop might be involved !!!
A foggy day but quite mild

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