Red Squirrel


Sunrise and Snow


Bleaughhhh, what a day! It took 40 minutes to get the car roadworthy this morning, clearing about 3" of snow and ice off, then 50 minutes to get to work (a journey that normally takes about 35).

Tonight was a total nightmare - we'd had blizzards at lunchtime, causing another 3" or so of snow and ice on the cars. With more forecast those of us with substantial journeys home were told to leave work early. I left at 4:10. The car wasn't roadworthy until 4:50, then gridlocks and horrible driving conditions meant I didn't arrive home until 7:45. That's 3 hours and 35 minutes to get home - boy was I glad to see my driveway! Snow - fun? Nice? No way! Yes, it can make things look lovely - but that's the only good thing about it I can think of, it has no other redeeming qualities ...

This was Norwich this afternoon according to the AA website. Dark red = standstill, light red = hardly moving, orange = OK.

I did grab a few more shots this morning as well as the sunrise:

Misty blue paddock (no editing, this is how it actually looked ....)

Church Farm behind the paddock.

At work I took a walk during my lunch break:

Bracondale wood

The old Memorial chapel door in Bracondale wood.

County Hall looking beautiful - not a word I''d usually use to describe this hideous, tatty 1970s building!

From County Hall, the plane and view of the edge of Bracondale wood.

View from verandah, County Hall 1st floor.

Snow laden trees in front of County Hall.

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