Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Waking Up To Snow

Hi everyone!

At 7AM this morning, this is what I woke up to. At first, I was extremely excited, but then I realised I couldn't 'play' in it, as I had school. We live on a street that is on a hill, and when I walked down to the bus stop today, there was hardly any snow there at all! It was literally less than a 10 minute walk, and it went from this to nothing. By the time I got home, I was so tired, I couldn't be bothered going out in it. It's still like this as we speak, but it will be ice by the morning. Oh joy....

So, my geography teacher decided to tell a geography-related joke today. It goes like this:
Which cow is the closes to Iraq?


Geddit? Kuwait, a country bordering Iraq? Cow 8? Find it funny? No? Well, I did! I was the only one in the class that laughed. I pointed and made the 'I see what you did there' face at the teacher - and she made it back! Funny times for geeks like me! :)

That's everything for today! Have a nice Wednesday!

Steven :)

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