365 (finally!)

Blimey! I finally did it and only 5 months overdue :)) I did have this silly play doh thing going on for the 365 but in the end I was too embarrassed to post it!

Thank you to Joe and all those at Blip Central. What a fabulous site and I'm really excited about all the changes ahead in Blip world.
I genuinely feel as though my photography is constantly improving thanks to Blip and the biggest change I've noticed since starting here is my new-found love for people photography. When it came to choosing my faves from the 365, there were only 2 in my list of 10 that didn't contain people. Another thing that Blip changed for me was that it gave me the confidence to realise that I could make a living from photography full time.
Thanks to all you lovely blippers who make this community such a fantastic and inspiring place to be

My personal 10 favourites from the first 365 in date order

loved up
mad parents
gorgeous goofy girl
the odd couple
big laughs
soft natural colours
spring kite
first wedding
foggy morning

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