Window Cleaning and Woopsies

Our Apartment building is getting its summer clean and the windows and outside surfaces are all being cleaned by blokes on ropes. 
It makes for interesting views.
This bloke noticed The Boss and his iPhone on the other side of the window and waved so The Boss made a print of this pic and left it on the door to the roof. He bumped into them later and got thanks all round so that started the day off beautifully.
The Woopsie occurred later (extra) where he discovered the bloke in the Hi Vis “guarding this tree. It was revealed that he was not guarding the tree but the harbour,  as the woopsie had involved the collapse of a large drain in the city which was being repaired and created a potential for undesirable thingies to end up in the harbour which if they did should NOT be swum in.
The Boss thought it made a great image. Asyoudo 
From our foreign correspondent comes news that The Bossess is in Melbourne and hoping the aircon keeps working as it is predicted to get to 44 c and they have over 100 fires burning in NSW.
She is back tomoro.....

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