Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Christmas presents, elves and three wise Santas

The 4th Sunday of Advent. Channukah.
Maria is coming home on the train from Leeds this afternoon, so I am looking forward to seeing her and having some fun shopping, watching our favourite TV shows and playing board games. Some crafting will be done as we both enjoy making things. She has cross stitched several Christmas cards again this year, much to the delight of her Grand parents and Aunties.
The elves were up very early and woke up Arthur who jumped on the bed, purred loudly and kneaded the bedding energetically, as he optimistically expected his breakfast at 3:15am. I toughed it out, as I am more of an owl than a lark, and the best I could do was get up 8:30am, a more civilised hour for a Sunday morning!
The weather is dry and sunny, which is nice, but very cold too. Sorry for all those in flooded areas.
Have a lovely Sunday blip friends and thanks for visiting.

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