
By DrSandy

Covering the cakes

I didn't do it.

But, it was the big mission of the day, for Mom.  So when I arrived home from gym-ing,  did PUMP and zumba, the fancy plastic board, was spread across the kitchen table and she was rolling.....

In the course of the day, she covered all the remaining cakes.

We did have a brief, shopping interlude, nightmare.

It started with us, phoning Checkers at the mall, to find out, if the expected turkey's had been delivered.  Of course, the person, answering the phone, did not know, what a turkey was.

A very  long time later..................... it was established, that they did have turkey's in stock.  So, off we went to the mall, at lunch time on a Saturday, during the "Christmas"  rush, to buy, our turkey. 

Oh what fun it was !

On the plus side, we got it.    Happiness is........

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