RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Travel Day

It must be true that one's emotional state exerts a great influence on his or her activities. Today, our daughter leaves after a month long visit and I'm not sure who is more unhappy. Sure, she has to go back to school, responsibilities, stress, and cooler (if not downright cold) weather. I, on the other hand, get to remain here in paradise, but it will be minus the daily contact with her that I have once again come cherish. She will get busy with her school, her friends, and her many activities. I will continue doing many of the same things we did together these past four weeks, only now her smiling face will be a 1,000 kilometers away rather than right there alongside me. I know my wife and I will continue to have a great time here in Mexico, we have many plans to travel and experience more of this wonderful country together, but today is a sad day for both of us (though I think more for me than for her).

This long diatribe is an attempt to explain why I wasn't inspired to take any kind of photographs today and ended up settling for a rather ordinary flower capture.

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