Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Mum it's cold out here!

We had more snow overnight and the coldest night of the winter so far-when I got up the temperature sensor said it was -11 outside!
The roads were not good with the extra snow and the existing snow all frozen together in places,so I was very careful on my way out and about ..
We had some lovely blue sky that made up for the cold and the sky was pretty when the sun was setting which gave me some nice shots .
However with the dogs being like little kids in and out of the snow all day,I thought this was fun!
Bootsy doesn't have a big thick coat like the Airedale boys so she never stays out as long as them and always jumps up at the door to be let in .
Looking at the picture I think I need to clean my windows again,although with 3 mucky dogs it is an endless task!
Below i have put a link to my blip folio with some more snow pics -2 so far the upload was horibly slow ,but i will put up more tomorrow..
Airedale snow pics

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