Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

An icy bloom.

Thanks for all your kind comments about Bootsy left out in the cold-some stars and even a favourite!I am chuffed!
Today has been really cold again -5 in the day ,but it has seemed worse because it was all grey and almost foggy.No more snow so that is good ,but I hear more is forecast for the weekend.
I thought I had better move away from the doggies for today and because it was so cold last night ,there was a fantastic haw frost on all the leaves and trees which looked amazing!
I set off to do my shopping with camera in tow and stopped on the way by a pretty wooded area to try and capture what I saw.
This is my favourite shot because you can see the delicate frost on the dead flower head and also some of the trees behind.I think the frost almost looks like the petals on the flower .
Looking at the 2 week forecast it doesn't look like it will get above freezing at all ,so we had better get used to it.
I will really have to practice taking picture with gloves on as my hands were bright red and sore today ..

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