Size is important

Finished off writing the Christmas cards this morning  and posted them through the doors.  Knocked on one door and had a lovely chat with the lady who lives there  she may not get out a lot but she knows a lot about what is going on.  When I got back KG had arranged to meet up with daughter #2 and her girls and her best friend from school and her parents.  He was tasked with finding a pub with a table for 11  for 12.30 today - we managed it and we all had a lovely meal.
When I went out Elf and Safety were safely on the radiator 
When we got home we heard voices
Elf look at all these presents said Safety  lets open them.
Oh Safety said Elf how do you know they are for us?
It doesn't matter Elf they are just hanging around they have been there for days
With that Safety helped himself to the biggest one . and gave Elf a much smaller one
That's not fair Safety said Elf why have you got the biggest one?
Because Elf I got there first!!
We got in. just in time and told them that both presents were equal value  and the size didn't matter and that they shouldn't be opening them as they weren't for them.
They said sorry and that they didn't mean any mischief 
Another dry day but a tad cool


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