Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This day has gone by so fast... First work and my relatives came to visit me in the greenhouse. It was fun to show them my work, even though the little one was really disappointed, because mum and dad had told him he would drive a little car! In our supermarket there're shopping carts with kids cars underneath. And his mum and dad takes him to a place filled with plant!! Tears and a small tantrum. But, I got a smile in the beginning, so he recognise me. :) 
In the afternoon I made cake filling and started with the gingerbread dough. The little one will have a piece of dough to make gingerbread of his own, but I made hearts and snowflakes for grownups and as cake decorations. Now I'm beat... I told my relatives that I felt like a car running on petrol fumes. And that's how it feels. Off to bed now and full steam a head tomorrow.   

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