Freezing Fountains Fog

The forecast said, sunny and cold, but freezing fog could persist in some places. The some places being exactly the spot I was heading for! Fountains Abbey was blanketed in ethereal fog. We didn't even notice the abbey till it loomed out of the fog. Still it was very beautiful and very quiet. We had the place pretty much to ourselves and the birds. Heron, robins in abundance, blackbirds and pheasants. The tracks they made in the snow looked like arrows pointing us onwards. I even spotted a goldcrest not bad as it's one of Britain's smallest birds. The journey home was punctuated by me screeching to a halt in various laybys to take photos of the valleys wreathed in fog. It was spectacular. Hope you like this shot, it kind of summed up the day, those poor trees huddled and freezing. Edited: changed my mind, the first shot looked kind of flat, so have chosen this one instead.

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