Duck pond fountain

The ward was not quite as busy today as yesterday. Which was just as well. Mr H was more swollen this morning so C took him straight in to Auckland City Hospital. For his address he should have gone to Waitakere Hospital, but the GP had told them to go to the Children's Hospital (Starship, its called). However, after turning 15 years old, children are regarded as adults. In Mental Health adulthood doesn't start until 18 years old. 

With the letter from his GP, he bypassed ED and went straight to the Clinical Decision Unit, where reasonably quickly he was seen by the ENT registrar, the source of infection dealt to and Mr H was admitted to the ward for IV antibiotics.

I went up and saw him and his mum in the CDU. He didn't look too systemically unwell, which was good, although very much more swelling in his face than when I saw him on Sunday morning. When I went back before coming home, he looked so much better. So of course he's well enough to be upset about being in hospital on Christmas Eve. 

Since then he's been transferred to a single room with its own bathroom, to reduce the chance of being exposed to another source of infection. 

I made myslf go outside into the open air, and sunshine for a lunch-time walk in Pukekawa (Auckland Domain). Which is where I got tonight's blip.

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