
By Snowyjones

Mt Cook

That was by far and away the most scenic bus journey I have ever been on. As we turned West to go across the island the mountains formed vague, barely distinguishable shapes on the horizon. The misty morning light shrouded the tops but every now and then a shaft of sunlight would illuminate the clefts and valleys. All around was evidence of the glaciers carving the landscape with milky turquoise rivers and lakes as testimony to their continued activity. The day continued to clear and the clouds parted as we passed the Mt Cook mountain range and we were granted an uninterrupted view of this most spectacular of mountains rising above Lake Pukaki.
Many landscapes later, from tussock covered, rolling mountains to fertile, fruit growing regions, we arrived in Queenstown. It has its own own beautiful lake, shaped like a fork of lightening, and a back drop of an impressive range of mountains called The Remarkables.
Arrived at my hostel to discover I am in a dorm with 5 guys and it’s a bit smelly and messy in comparison with my previous, lovely female only dorm. However, everyone has been so friendly and have been chatting to interesting people all evening so can’t complain. Guessing you are all just getting up and it’s Christmas Eve, fridges are bulging, lights are twinkling, heating is on, presents still to be wrapped? Have a good one!

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