
By K9tam

Christmas Eve.

A collage of our busy day, and a couple of outtakes as extra.

Drove to Ditcot parkway to pick up my nephew, he managed to miss the first train and a holdup on the line caused him to miss the connecting train. Slightly stressful as his phone ran out of charge so we had no idea where he was! All worked out in the end though. Drove through some very flooded areas on the way.

The usual visit to the cemetery and laid flowers on Mum's grave. It's touching to see how colourful the whole cemetery is, and busy too. We said our 'Hello's' to others who are laid to rest there.

Fun family time at Jodie's. Watched (half watched) Beauty and the Beast, Hayley making Reggie's stocking - nothing like leaving it to the last minute! Three very excited children who sprinkled glittery food so the Reindeers could find their way, stockings hung up and Carrot, mince pie and milk left out for Rudolph and the main man himself!

Came home to the orderly peace of our home and preparing for tomorrow.

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