Christmas Eve sunset.

Bright start, dull day, beautiful sunset on this strangest of Christmas Eve's. This is the view from our bedroom.

Made a start on the Christmas dinner so we could take it over to Jodie so all she has to do tomorrow is bung the lot in the oven. Even cooked the roast potatoes so all she needs to do is heat and crisp them up in the oven. She's going to find it hard dealing with the three boys while Dean is at work. I hope he has a quiet shift.

At 6pm this evening our street gathered outside to ring bells. It was a gesture to give some thought to those who are lonely at Christmas, and throughout the year. It was a good social gathering with Christmas music playing and many exchanges of greetings. Even Jim, our 98 year old neighbour was out enjoying the interaction.

I dug out my late Mother in Law's brass bell that's sat at the back of a draw for the  20+ years since her death. I tried some 'Bell Bokeh' but it didn't work too well (Extra). Gosh, Bell looks ugly captured this closely on camera!

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