Merry Christmas and The Biggest Bunch of Barking.

Hi...It’s ME and I have been catching up on my Christmas reading at TNH.
Thats not THC (Tussocks Holiday Camp) as at the tender age of 77 (dog years) I have decided to retire and I am reading up about puppies and small stuff as I am going to be a grandmother next year. Exciting EH! 
Oh yes...TNH. Is Tussocks Northern Home and I now live with some wonderful doggie  folk that spoil me rotten and sometimes take me to work at a Dog Grub Factory. How good it THAT! 
The Boss will be appointing a new editor in chief in the new year who I understand has a relationship with cheese,  so don’t panic, the rewards will still be coming and I am sure there will be “Guest Appearances” from time to time as “V” is a dab hand at pics (This pic by “V”) with added words from The Boss.
So thank you for all your support and suggestions (mostly ignored) in the past and please stand by for The Boss’s Big Birthday (8th) in another 4 Blips time when there may be a tasty announcement. 

Silktrader Tussock of the Lake and Tuss to you lot.)

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