On The Beach

With a view of Kapiti Island.
It was out first (e) outing today as The Boss got to drive and we went up the coast to Waikanue  beach and followed the cycle trail for almost 10 Km. Which was up the beach and back on the beachside road that had a very attractive feature, an ice cream shop. The Boss took my Christmas hat off as it tends to slip over my eyes and I have to complain to get my view back. The Bosssess discovered what the Boss has known for some time that large hardware stores up here have really great Cafe’s with great food but after yesterdays (slight) excesses “control” was the key. 
The Bossess looooved the eGolf and passed everything in sight on the way back on the motorway. 
The extra is some lovely daisy thingies that were along the beach. 
Feel free to ID them. He is just hopeless with flowers.  
I suspect that’s The Boss will be playing with his battery operated chain saw again as he has sank intro his fav chair and gone all quiet. 

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