
By DrSandy

The big shop

It wasn't  quite the usual Friday gym routine :  there was a little reading in the courtyard, to get my heart rate up, I did zumba, with Bella and then zen pilates.

NOTE :  The zumba didn't really get the heart rate up, but that was the plan.

From the gym, I went shopping, with the laptop in tow. 

Probably not the smartest thing to have done.............. it got heavier and heavier, with each passing minute.

The shopping spree, did get my heart rate up, but not in a good way. 

I don't like shopping, at the best of times and this was NOT the best of times.  It was seriously busy and everything was, seriously expensive.  After an hour or so, of looking, I made my decisions and bought my gifts.

Then headed home, to enjoy some ALONE TIME.

Spent most of the afternoon, trying to catch up on my PUBMED annals and hunt down, more info on IGF-1. 

I have tentatively decided, to make this, my next Ups and Downs.

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