Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Going Snowhere

There's no sign of the snow melting and more is forecast on the way. Yesterday was one of those days when I didn't realise how tired I was. I was out of control and felt that the world was conspiring against me. After a good night's sleep though I was feeling better this morning and had a rare chance to take it easy and enjoy the snow.

Whilst I was waiting for one of my young people I was able to pop out with the camera to Ouseburn Culvert. I didn't even know it was there. It was -7 and very icy. After a comedy fall on my butt and minor heart attack as my camera shot across the concrete and ice, I took a few shots of people walking to and from the city centre. I liked some I took in black and white and may pop these in my underused blipfolio tomorrow, but this appears to be the most popular amongst family and friends.

Ok, I've added a few to my blipfolio too

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