Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

It's All Under Control

Following on from yesterday's efforts I resolved to stay in control today. I woke up, had a big fry up, marinated the chicken for tea, and made my way to work. The metros were delayed, it was -7 degrees, but that's ok, I'm staying cool and happily reading my book on the commute. I have a productive day at work and in the spirit of maintaining a work/life balance (hah!) a colleague and I take rare lunch break. We walk down to the fish quay, where I take this picture with South Shields in the background, and stop for a bowl of homemade lentil and vegetable soup on the way back to the office. I get to the end of the day and I am patting myself on the back for being virtuously calm all day.

I'm on the bus on the way home, I've got it all under control, today is positively wrapped up, I'm texting my friend, thinking about putting the chicken in oven, and...hold on, where am I? I can't see out the frozen window, so where the hell am I? Four stops past my bus stop is where I am! I get off the bus and so starts the bus trip home from the other direction and the closest I can get to my house from the other directions means an extra 1/4 mile walk home. It's also beginning to snow and extremely icy, the perfect time to put the bins out when I get home I tell myself, cue the third comedy fall on my butt in two days and a pulled muscle in my arm. Well, I tried.

Dammit! And now I've just burnt the chicken. All out fail Jen.

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