My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


L was awake in the night and I ended up bringing her in with me and I succeeded in hiding the presents from her on the way through! After quite a long shuffle and wriggle of nearly 2 hours she dropped off again. So we started Christmas Day by needing to wake her up... she didn’t want to until we said that Father Christmas had been and she was wide awake in a shot!

In her letter to Santa she had asked for Simba and Nala toys from The Lion King... she was thrilled that he’d delivered them to her bedroom door. Other presents from us and others were downstairs under the tree which we opened with N’s parents on Skype.

We headed to my parents’ with my brother and his family for a lovely and enormous dinner and games. Lots of excitement for L and her two cousins.

This year’s pudding had a brief moment of trying to set fire to the table cloth (and the brandy pot), rather than my mum’s eyebrows (like it often does)!

Merry Christmas!

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