Unboxing and handselling

A relaxing day. No rush round the sales. Just a gentle tidy up, A visit from an Irish cousin, a couple of DVD films and the rest of the turkey and trimmings.

To go with them, I opened a bottle we’d been given, along with others, by the mother of a French student we put up for a few weeks when her accommodation fell through some 5 + years ago. Several of the bottles came in wooden boxes with sliding covers and the bottles held firmly in place for transport.

I don’t think the wines are excessively expensive but they are good quality ones and were and are very much appreciative of the gift. It was recommended that they be laid down for a few years and it is now time to unbox some of them. I’m not used to seeing the date stamped on the cork with a line drawing of the chateau on the side of the cork.

It also gave me the chance to handsel a Christmas present from my brother and his wife. A wine breather. You fit it to the bottle and decant the wine into the breather. Then return it to the bottle - see extra. And back into the breather if you wish to decant it from that. It may have been the process. It may have been the quality of the wine. Or a bit of both. But the wine tasted lovely.

Now, where’s the next box .......?

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