Today I framed the moon

I have to say that this is not the shot that I thought I was going to blip today. I had each of my 3 cameras out of my bag at some stage this afternoon. I started with the compact Ixus and then tried the Eos 60D for a few shots. Before going home after my walk with one of the dogs from the sanctuary I sat down for a few minutes on the bench where I'd photographed Mr Robin before. When I turned around to watch the birds that were feeding on a stick covered with seeds and peanuts that I'd hung up on one of a shrub's branches, I suddenly noticed the moon overhead and on a spur of the moment I took the Nikon out to try and get a few shots.

When I was home again and tried to choose which photo to blip, only one of the shots taken with the Ixus appealed to me. None of the few shots taken with the Eos 60D looked good enough but I did like this framed moon shot taken with the Nikon. Eventually I decided that this would be today's entry and that I could always have a new attempt at the only Ixus photo that I thought was worthy of a blip.

It was very busy at the sanctuary this afternoon as a crew was filming scenes for a new upcoming series, so I was told. Because of that everyone had to wait until they'd finished with a scene before we could be given a dog to walk. I must admit that I was in two minds whether to agree to walk their female Rottweiler Loïka but she was a very good girl and we both managed to stay upright the whole walk.

Unfortunately, on my way to the tram stop I successfully made a tumble and almost slipped again shortly after that. Thankfully, no harm was done except that I felt very silly sitting on the ground before I managed to stand up again.

As if it hadn't been enough that a tram driver had taken off just when I reached the stop and reached out to open the doors on my way to the sanctuary, the very same thing happened again when I reached the stop to catch the tram home! I also saw the exact same thing happen to someone else while I was still sitting on this tram, so now I'm wondering whether these drivers do this to deliberately annoy people and make them late getting to their destinations!

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