Gŵyl San Steffan - Hen ddeilen
Gŵyl San Steffan - Hen ddeilen ~ Boxing Day - Old leaf
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Mae Daniel yn ysgrifennu llawer o storiâu. Mae e wedi bod yn ysgrifennu storiâu ers roedd e'n gallu ysgrifennu. Mae gradd gyda fe mewn Ysgrifennu Creadigol a Phroffesiynol a gradd Meistr mewn Ysgrifennu Sgriptiau. Mae e'n dalentog, ond mae e'n gweithio yn IKEA gydag ychydig iawn o amser i ddilyn ei dalent. Dros y gwyliau Nadolig roedden ni'n meddwl y bydden ni'n helpu gyda darllen ei storiâu, cywiro ei sillafu, ac yn paratoi nhw i'w cyhoeddi. Rydyn ni'n gwneud gwaith fel hyn trwy'r amser am lyfrau Bwdist. Dechreuon ni heddiw ac yn gobeithio y byddwn ni'n gwneud cynnydd dros yr ychydig wythnosau nesaf. Gawn ni weld.
Yn y cyfamser, rydw i wedi dechrau darllen 'The Essence of Photography' gan Bruce Barnbaum. Fe wnaeth fy ysbrydoli i fynd i fyny'r ardd ac yn chwarae gyda'r camera. Mae'n dda i ffeindio'r amser am hyn mewn bywyd prysur.
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Daniel writes many stories. He has been writing stories since he was able to write. He has a degree in Creative and Professional Writing and a Masters in Scriptwriting. He is talented, but he works at IKEA with very little time to pursue his talent. Over the Christmas holidays we thought we would help with reading his stories, correcting his spelling, and preparing them for publication. We do work like this all the time for Buddhist books. We started today and hope to make progress over the next few weeks. We'll see.
In the meantime, I've started reading Bruce Barnbaum's 'The Essence of Photography'. It inspired me to go up the garden and play with the camera. It's good to find the time for this in a busy life.
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