We have a STALKER!..............................

…....................In this modern age of social media, STALKERS are not really consisted very PC things to have. But actually, we quite like the fact that we have a STALKER.................... It makes us feel important. Almost celebrity like??!!

…...........Let us explain.........................

Ann adopted me on the 11th February 2019. And then..................... on 'Mothers Day' she received a card from me. She didn't have a clue who had sent it. She put a lot of posts on FB because she thought it was from one of her crazy FB friends, but no one owned up to sending it.

And then today, we return home from our Christmas festivities and find this really lovely Christmas Card waiting for us. Obviously I am a very clever little collie pup so I had to go into 'detective mode'............................ The writing is the same, the felt pen they used to write it is the same. …..............And it was posted in Edinburgh.

Mmmmmmm.............................. Soooooo, now we're thinking that our STALKER is a BLIPPER???

…...................And to be honest we think we might know who they are. BUT obviously we don't want to name names because we might be totally wrong here..................... So here's hoping they're reading this because our cards are absolutely lovely. Thank you STALKER. Xx

STALKER............................. do you own a very cute little dog? Are you ex teachers? Do you live in Edinburgh? And do you think I am the most gorgeous little puppy ever?

Obviously we could be well off track here, which is why we're not naming names. Because I am the cutest puppy ever, and I have a lot of followers. We actually think that our Mothers Day/Christmas cards are the bestest things ever We love them!............................ And let's face it........................ no one on BLIP is horrible, so even though we've given this BLIP the title 'STALKER', no one on BLIP is actually stalking us. BLIPPERS are the most lovely people ever.

Thank you to whoever has sent these cards. xxxxx

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