
By LifeLines

Christmas sewing

Boxing Day had us travelling to Northamptonshire to visit my family.  Fortunately the roads were running smoothly and we managed to get there and back in a six hour round drive.  It was lovely to see everyone but it left us feeling pretty tired.  So, a few dog walks and a quick trip to the allotment are about all we managed today.  

Merlin had a soft toy pheasant for Christmas.  It looked well made and robust but (as usual) he has managed to find a way into it (via one of its wings) and has started to pull out the stuffing.  Some emergency sewing is currently being done by Andy.  There is a snow leopard in a similar condition and which is in the queue for a repair!  It was interesting to see that when we visited Dad, he too had a pile of dog toys in a 'to be repaired' pile.

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