Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Gave the horses another chunk of fresh grass today. It's rapidly running out and I'm worried it's only December and they're on the last bit of field already but the field is so wet and muddy and I'm concerned they're going to get mud fever. At least now they have a clean bit to stand in.

Had a hack out with Juliet this morning. We took it steady as lime has been lame but seemed ok today. It took over an hour to groom them for an hour's ride! They enjoyed being out though.

Eva had a lesson this afternoon. She did really well as Jack was being a bit cheeky. We finished with poles and Jack knocked one, which spooked him. Eva came off but thought it was funny so that's good! I've been getting her to watch loads of clips of people falling off horses in stupid ways to show her it happens to everyone so hopefully that's helped her. She was straight back on, no fuss at all.

Still feeling exhausted tonight. Despite not having any work, we still seem to be ever so busy!!

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