I need to cut these agapanthus heads off
before the seeds disappear. I've got a batch of young agapanthus plants grown from seed that are looking really healthy, and I have a feeling this potful could be another variety as they were saved from the recycle centre tip when a friend moved house recently. I know growing agapanthus from seed is a slow ol' business compared to buying bulbs but it is quite satisfying. Room could be my problem though.
A beautiful sunny morning, I was definitely going out for a walk today. A late but quick breakfast, I nearly weakened, but got control of myself just in time, taking the laundry flasket & coat hangers back upstairs. Phew! That was close! Right then! Let's see if I can get hubby out for a walk. I know he's not taking enough exercise, he's getting depressed about his health but does'nt do anything to help himself except thinking that if we went abroad to somewhere warm to live it would make everything okay. It would'nt. I suggested a walk. he suggested walking up to the allotment after a bit of negotiating, that's not far but it's a start. The gate was open, one allotment holder on site tending his chickens. I checked out my plot, not looking too shabby but the lid of my repurposed wormery had disappeared. A mooch around the adjoining plots found it.The trays of cuttings were looking good, the hebes in particular. They could be a little money earner if I can grow decent batches from cuttings each year. They seem to take easily enough. The guy 2 plots up had laid the hedge at the back of his plot. I want to do exactly the same, to get more sunlight onto my plot. In the Summer when the trees are in leaf my patch does'nt see the sun til at least midday. A great job that I can get on and do while the ground is too wet to work. I tried to explain to hubby but I detected a definite lack of enthusiasm on his part. That'll be just me then. :) Walking back I suggested an extended route, not well received either, but we did it. I'm sure if he walked everyday it would help him physically & mentally. I know it helps me. :)
Xmas ticked off, everyone's getting itchy feet. Yesterday Jane contacted me re dog/housesitting Bob & Lola in February, Joe & Val confirmed their booking to look after Millie in January, then a missed message from cassiesmum. Today while out walkabout I missed a call from cassiesmum. What do they say about rolling stones ........
I had itchy fingers yesterday which I forgot to mention. I bought myself a rotary multi-tool on Amazon with my Xmas pressie money from Mum. Should be here on Thursday/Friday. I've got a project in mind. The doodling has commenced.
Dinner tonight - Ham, leek & mushroom in a rather delish clotted cream sauce. Naughty but nice!
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday
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