Lonicera nitida
I was having a tidy up in the greenhouse this morning, the stem of lonicera was one I'd brought home thinking I might use it n my Xmas decs. I did'nt as it turned out, but as I was about to chop it for the compost bag I noticed it's symmetry, the simple leaf shape. Box hedging who knew it would grab my attention. I did a few other jobs in the garden, chopped back the Acidanthera leaves, not one of them flowered this year, they gave such a fabulous show last so very disappointed. I cleaned out the bird baths, & put up a couple of new feeders. That was the morning.
This afternoon, I've been catching up on programmes that hubby would tut & rant at if I'd wanted to watch them in his presence. A documentary on Tracey Emin, then I crossed the briny to Jamaica with Levi Roots for a bit of Caribbean cookery .... do do hot hot hot. All the while pulling out a jumper that Mum knitted for me that never got to the sewing up stage. What a fiddle ... but I got there in the end. Bits of the yarn floating about making me cough, making my nose twitch, ... I got there in the end. Hand dyed Fandango in Raspberry. Only took me 2 1/2 hours ... I did snap the yarn for my blip but the colours were so not accurate so Box hedging it is.
An easy dinner. I'm not one for buying ready meals but backalong I bought a Morrison's cottage pie for hubby to munch on when I was away. It was still in the freezer. Wacked in the oven for 55mins from frozen, served with freshly prepared cauli, cauli greens, carrots, plus homegrown broad beans from the freezer. It made a respectable meal. The plates were clean so must of been okay. :-)
Thanks to carol_dunham for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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