Jessie Tree

By jessietree

We're not worthy

Went to the zoo today and the graffiti is just terrible!
Somebody really needs to teach those penguins a thing or two.

It is or was my wonderful friends birthday and I think I boobooed and got it a day late!

Sums up my bloody day, tried to cook romantic meal of mushroom pasta without mushrooms, for a quiet ten minutes to tidy up I put Daisy in the paddling pool, she pooed in it so I had to frantically wrap a pooey baby in an old vest and thow her in the car as we ventured for mushrooms. Finally got robbed blind by the local newsagent who charged me two whole pounds for a handfull of dried up shrunken manky specimens.
Dinner was vile but there was so much left over that I now have to take it to work for lunch tomorrow!

So anyway, If it was yesterday and I wrote it down wrong on my oh so useful wall chart than I can only apologise.
Debbie is one of the most fantastic people on this planet and she would and always has done anything for me. I on the other hand never fail to let her down. I am slightly concerned that this was my my fault too.
Never mind the fact that you are 31, you look more fantastic then ever before and you have 3 of the most amazing and naked children ever to have graced this earth. You are a bloody good mum and bloody good friend.
We love you Debbieeeeeeeeee

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