
By MumOf4Wildlings

The Wildlings adventure's

We've had a cheeky little climber move my laundry basket, climbed onto the kitchen unit and steal the hidding chocolate in the fruit bowl. No guesses which wildling that could have been.

The smallest wildling is 17 day's old now. We finally registered him this morning. So it's official. His middle name is definitely Anakin. He's now awake more throughout the day, he love's being on his tummy on his mat. Harp loved that too as a baby and was nearly rolling over at 3 weeks old. Thankfully I recorded that when she was small.

Both bigger boy's have got on well with eachother most of the day, so that's a win .
Mr R has been at work for a couple of hours. He goes back full time at the end of this week. I will have to start getting in a proper routine so that everything gets done around the house as well as keeping the Wildlings entertained.

Thanks for all your star's and heart's and comments. X

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