River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Llangefni Gorsedd Stones & Bananas

Off to Llangefni this morning to stock up on groceries from Lidl and Home Bargains, Blip is view from Home Bargains car park http://www.anglesey.info/llangefni-henge.htm
MrD was on deliveries until late afternoon.
Bananas, refers to extra photo of a Banana Bag which was a gift from one of the Tuesday Gang, I’ll let you know how it performs ...
Bottled the Apple Scrap Vinegar I made a fortnight ago, maybe I overdid it with the lemon, doesn’t taste unpleasant will see how it matures 
Just watched “Dirt Road to Lafayette” on iPlayer, loved the music https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0007p9zMrD came in half way through and also loved the film!
Goodnight all / Nos da pawb xx

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