
By Madchickenwoman


It was good to be back in the woods with Oscar - he certainly loved being off lead once more! He was even happier when he spotted 2 squirrels on the path ahead of him - he was off in a shot! But he can't climb trees so the squirrels live to play another day! This is photo of another woods dwelling resident - a maths teacher. He has a Neolithic  man countenance and is not overly friendly! He knows The Exile and is friendly with her!  Maybe he's just reserved! But I'm glad he's not my maths teacher! Why were maths teachers the scariest ones in school - PE teachers came second! Didn't like either subject! He is in his chicken coop - the one Oscar is intent on getting in to!
I was waiting for Nellie of the Woods to arrive int eh afternoon for a trip to the deli when The Exiles partner dropped round. I didn't have the time before `I left to see him and he was leaving in the eve. He often used to drop in for a coffee or glass/bottle of wine when they both lived here. He is undergoing chemo so this visit he had felt disconnected from the people in the village. He was never fully settled when he lived here, finding the culture and people at odds with what he felt. He always expressed himself forcefully and honestly which is what I admired in him and others found difficult!  When nellie arrived we chatted for about an hour about his two sons and the choices they were making as young adults and their characters. It was great to hear two parents speak so thoughtfully about their offspring. Finally The Exile called him home as he had a ferry to catch! Nellie and I had a good root round the deli - I bought lots of sweet things and some cheese to have over the new year! 
I forgot to say last night I had an unpleasant experience. Grabbed my toothpaste out of my bag and cleaned my teeth - ugh! Must have picked up my sisters toothpaste by mistake, but when I looked at the tube I realised I'd taken a tube of salon antiseptic cream! Oh boy did the taste linger!

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