7.25am ......
..... Sky.
I went to the pool the last time this year! My the water was soo cold, ( there's a technical fault, so what's new.) I must say I don't mind the cold water. It had been 2 weeks since I went due to other matters taking over, so glad I went today really feel some benefit . Any small relief helps.
The sky was beautiful this morning so glad I took this blip when I did as the colours soon disappeared . It is quite damp outside which makes for a chilly feel .
" A" has just phoned , he arrived in B'ham 25 minutes ago. At least he's safe , so it will be next year when I hear from him again, 2020 can hardly believe it.
Well I'll wish all the blip community a Happy New Year , hope all the festivities go well and enjoy in safety folks.
Appreciate ..... both knowing "A" is safe and being able to get to the pool.
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