Dull .....
It was a very cold dull start to the day and hadn't cheered up much either .
What to do on a dull day - - - baking of course - - - waiting for the five thousand!
1 a lemon drizzle loaf
2 a dozen coconut buns
3 a dozen mince pies
Well it can always be put in the freezer can't it?
I had a short zoom meeting with my daughter S in L and grandsons one of the latter and the former have birthdays today . We usually have a birthday breakfast but alas this year that wasn't to be. Not sure what ? but somethings got in the way??
A very strange end to 2020 let's hope 2021 brings better health/ returns the country to a more settled time/ education to return to normality and above all , to the NHS having a steadier time where by they can treat/ nurse in the way they want/ need to , rather than in PPE's and at arms length .
Wishing you ALL a Happy Healthy New Year.
Grateful ..... again for technology at this time
Happy Birthday A and Jxx
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