We twa hae run about the braes,
And there is it.
Another year draws to a close.
I hate it. I wish we could just move from Christmas to Mid-January.
None of this reminiscence and requirement for platitudes and niceties.
Everyone making sure all their chores are done, steak pies are baked, alcohol stocked up.
Leave it all behind. It's another day. Life doesn't start again because it's a new year.
If it worked like that, there'd be celebrations every start of the month... every start of the week. Every minute past midnight.
Imagine how exhausting that would be.
Instead. lets just be grateful everytime we have a new day.
Smile at everyone you meet -let it spread like the flu.
Be positive when you wake up - every single day. There has to be one thing you are upbeat about.
Be kind.
Be kind to everyone. No matter how demented they drive you.
Be as good as you can, as kind as you can and as positive as you can be.
Every single day.
And if you have a dog - love him as unconditionally as he loves you.
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