Sometime in the Dream you appear

So I went to bed at 1110 last night i was feeling poopy. 

Tooli was out partaying.  I woke to different messages of new years.... on and off til 5, and slept til 9, and then drove over and collected Tooli and both of us went back to bed. 

This is why New Year is such a mess. 

I think back to my younger days... I spent most of 24-1st in a Drunken haze.   That didn't go down well in the Bank I have to say. 

This afternoon Tooli, Si and I went off for a walk.   We didn't walk far, we just thought we'd have a look and see where the new houses went to. 

They go far. 

Then we had dinner. 

And now we laze around the coffee table.   Drinking red wine, Jack Daniels and doing jigsaws and watching bits and bobs of TV. 

So tired.... so tired. 

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