Hogmanay on Bynack More

Up and away just after 5am for the 3 hour drive north near Aviemore. I was meeting walking mates JC and AK.

We had planned to climb Bynack More which is Scotland’s 54th highest Munro at 1090m.

We took the bikes as there is a good forestry track from Glenmore Lodge and you can actually cycle almost to the top.

We didn’t! We cycled 5km then dumped the bikes and walked the rest (10km) then cycled back.

It was a nice day, but cold but very sunny. I lost one of my very expensive Sealskinz gloves so not a happy bunny!

Back home for 5pm so got the car unloaded, took to the garage to have it hoovered and washed and popped into my mums before returning to chill with MrsT and L for Hogmanay.

All the best to everyone for 2020!!

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