Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Tuesday — Last Sundown

We spent our day in San Luis Obispo (SLO) so that Mr. Fun could purchase a new laptop at the Apple/Mac Store.

This has been quite a year. We’ve added two new great grandchildren to our clan; our oldest granddaughter started her first full time teaching job; her classroom is filled with severely handicapped high school students. I concluded my college teaching in the autumn semester. Our dog “Max” went blind in his right eye in March and the eye was surgically removed in May and then we begin treating the left eye but with a very bad prognosis that it would not last more than two years. That eye went blind in August, but we continue to administer meds to that eye to keep it from swelling and needing to be removed. We added some new doors and a patio room to our SoCal house this year and we’re still putting the finishing touches on it; we move at a snail’s pace when we do home improvements.

I know we live in abundance and I am reminded when I walk through the local grocery stores. I remember well the empty shelves in the grocery stores in the former Soviet Union as we were there 3 times back in 1997. The people told us then that socialism was not good for their country. So I am thankful for not only having the things we need but also much of what we want.

Good night from Cayucos
on California’s Central Coast.
I’ll see you next year!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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