Friday Foto

By drmackem

Lazy Dayz

The miseducation of.....

A photo
A day like this, mostly didn’t get out of first gear today except for a brief 30minute spell when my best idea so far this year has inspired me into climate action. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking for the thoughts to come.

A Tune
Several years ago in the time before streamed music when it was either a radio player or a silvery disc for music listening, I was riding along in my automobile when something playing through the low fi speakers above the hum of the car and the noise of my life caused me to stop, and listen.
So many times since, I have, arriving home from work with my head and heart and body having become home to the accumulated distress of the day, I have dimmed the lights and turned up the volume and sat, sometimes laid down and listened to this same track and as it finished found myself relating with more ease to what I had bourn witness to that day.
I can never remember the meaning of the words, and when I do, I’m not sure I find it helpful, but somehow the interplay of plainsong and jazz sax, the descent and the rise, the clamour and the peace helps me find my resonance again.

Parce Mihi Domine - Jan Garabeck with Hildegard Ensemble

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