Friday Foto

By drmackem


The miseducation of.....

So today’s musings can only really be about me Ma cos it’s her Birthday, and she’s me Ma.
After spin class and Church I’ve headed up the big road to the Far North to spend some time with the birthday girl herself.
I’m often a bit slow to believe in myself but Mum is never slow to believe in me. When I was young, due to hearing problems I was both unintelligible to others and at the age of 7 moved to a remedial class. I remember a great inspirational teacher, an ear surgeon who sorted my hearing but most of all sitting on mums knee as she taught me to read, I covered the whole lexicon of Dr Seus ( and can still pretty much recite most them). The rest is history, my history for what it’s worth, but the love and belief of mother was and still transforms me. Lucky fella.

And a tune 
This mornings spin class included a particularly exertional section to this track. I also remember subjecting my mum to endless repetitions of Queen in the days of vinyl lps whilst we played scrabble-“did I really play Fat Bottommed girls at full volume mum?”

Don't Stop Me Now by Queen

How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? Dr Seus

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