Projects 2020

This year I am planning to do several photographic projects - not all of which I can start immediately.
This one However 'Kithurst Hill over the year' I had to start immediately as I need the photographs of the winter seasons to go into a power point for a talk with the same name I am planning for 2021.
As you can see it was looking very bleak today - and very slippy ! I forgot how slippy chalk is and very nearly fell over - oops!!
This is inside the butterfly meadow - looking back at the gate, one of the shots I plan to take every month. 
I did find some male catkins out ( see extra) and the shadows by the car park were wonderful (See extra).

Grateful today for...
Winter sunshine, it may be low and diluted but it is very very welcome.
The grassy verge next to the path which saved me from falling.
Cleo's safe journey back to university in Wales. 

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