Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull


This is Alastair Gray's mural at Hillhead Subway in Glasgow, snapped on my way home from a busy day.

It started ominously enough, with the entire staff meeting me outside the building for a false fire alarm. Nevertheless we had to stay in the cold for 20 minutes or so before the 2 (TWO!) fire crews had make their necessary assessments. So it was lovely to get into the office and make a cup of tea, only for the fire alarm to go off again. This time I took my tea and banana, but due to a suspected steam pipe leak in one of the biology teachings labs, which then somehow lead on to a discovery of suspected asbestos (?!), we didn't get back in this time for 45 minutes. By this time everyone was cold to the bones and took a further half hour to get back to body temperature. This did not make the morning's work easy.

The delays meant I had a brief lunch at 11.30am to make sure I could boost over to the MSc teaching lab and try and furiously remember how to deconstruct/reconstruct a mass spectrometer source half an hour before I had to show a class of 9. It all came flooding back in a wave of MSc memories and the lab. went... well it went soon enough. There was never going to be enough time to cover it all so they will be coming back in for a revision class before their practical exam. Which they will all surely ace.

I did a mad dash to Fopp on Byres Road to buy delta blues and Buddy Holly CDs which, while they may not be essential to my collection, will hopefully give their sales a boost and add some variation to my collection of Indie and shoegaze.

After the bus journey back to Edinburgh I picked up some ingredients and have just finished making and devouring a spinach and feta filo pie with some potato salad. And now the flat needs a cleaning... No matter, it's Friday tomorrow and I will see Les Mis. And on Saturday I have a date with Ryan Gosling in the film I have renamed Gangster Squid. It will be fantastic.

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