Canon no more

This is the front of my dead Canon PowerShot S110.

A simple tally shows that I've taken 55% of my blips with it, then 28% with my Canon SLR, 12% with an older & simpler PowerShot and finally 5% with my smartphone. I'm excluding one offs with other people's cameras. It has been a constant companion.

If you take the count of pictures, 1318, and assume that probably fewer than one in a hundred make it to blip, that's a fair number pictures over it's life, but I would have prefered more... Anyhow here is the first blip and last blip I took with it:

First Blip
Last Blip

When I got the S110 the latest version of the Canon CR2 raw format hadn't been worked out by the open source community so it wasn't actually possible to use the file format with software on Linux. The current camera uses a new format, CR3, that also has no open source support. Canon don't publish the file specifications or provider drivers for Linux, which is a bit annoying of them. If you have the latest version of PhotoShop then you can install the Canon filters, if you don't then you are stuffed and Canon (and other manufacturers to be honest) don't care..!

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