The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Taking The ...

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was explaining to The Prince that I had taken Murphy to a different park this afternoon and we had just joined the path when I noticed a man in an orange boiler suit standing by a tree about 3 metres away. With his trouser snake fully out, in hand, having a pee.

“The weird thing was,” I said, “the SAME thing happened when I passed him on the way back 45 minutes later. He could at least have found somewhere more secluded. There are loads of bushes in that park. And who needs to pee that often anyway?”

“No-one -because he was a flasher,” The Prince stated.

I actually heard the penny drop.

Bet you’re glad I didn’t take a picture of him for my blip!


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