
By Wildwood


I joined my old Berkeley group of "women who coffee" this morning, then picked up some lunch for my good friend The Healer who is at home healing herself. She slipped on a manhole cover in the middle of the sidewalk and broke her wrist badly enough to require surgery. The weather is warmer down there, and seems to be thawing out everywhere, so we sat outside and caught up over lunch.

No sign of OilMan, Ozzie, or OilMan's car when I got home, so I unpacked, opened the mail and sat down to read the directions for my new camera. It is not as widely available as the Canon Power Shot G15 which was my other choice, and I was reluctant to order one sight unseen. I called Looking Glass Photo in Berkeley, (about four blocks from my friend's house where I was staying) they had one, so I walked down there, got lots of help from a darling young man named "Op" and returned an hour later to my friend's house with my new toy and Op's very beautiful card. A striking photograph of the lights of the city reflected in the San Francisco Bay beneath the Bay Bridge.

One of my test shots of birds is all you get for today since the battery needs to be charged before I can do anything more. The shot is a bit cluttered, but I took it from inside the house, and at least the birds can be distinguished from the branches!

OilMan has just come in from the veggie garden where he and Ozzie have been all afternoon. He had nabbed the prized parking spot in the garage, so I didn't see his car when I drove up to the house. Old habits die hard, and when the car wasn't in front of the house, I assumed he must be out in it somewhere. It is a good sign of my adjustment progress, however, that I returned to my old haunts, enjoyed myself and was happy to be home again.

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